Even if you had an account last year you will need to create a new account. Registering allows you to be notified of PAC activities including newsletters, budgets, meetings, fundraising, hot lunch, and special events. Please register again even if you do not plan to purchase anything.
Enter all the required information (some fields are marked optional, all other fields must be filled out)
The school access code is: CLEPAC2024
Click Register Now at the bottom of the form
You will be taken to the Home Page of the Hot Lunch website
Hot Lunch Order Deadline is the 17th of each month.
Hot Lunch begins in October for 2024-25 and the order deadline for October will be September 17th.
PAC Meetings
The next PAC meeting - September 19th @ 7-8:30pm Location: CLE Library (Babysitting available in CLE Gym)
Meeting details will be posted on our Facebook page and emailed out closer to the date. If you are interested in volunteering for one of the many available positions with the CLE PAC, please reach out! We are on the hunt for enthusiastic parents and caregivers to participate this year.
PAC Meeting Notes and Reports
Click here Online Documents and search under Information to view the latest PAC Meeting Notes and Financial Reports